Which of the following sentences uses the past perfect verb tense?

By June, I will have owned the camera shop for a decade.

After it was sold, I had owned the camera shop for 12 years.

I cannot recall a time when I have not owned some kind of shop.

I owned the shop in the year you were born.

Is it A?

A: future perfect

B: past perfect
C: present perfect
D: past

time to review the verb forms ...

its B

Yes, you are correct. Sentence A, "By June, I will have owned the camera shop for a decade," uses the past perfect verb tense. The past perfect tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "had" followed by the past participle of the main verb. In this sentence, the verb "will have owned" is in the past perfect tense, indicating an action that will be completed in the future relative to a specified time (June). Well done!