Greek- Zeus

What did they create?

What did who create? Are you asking about the Greek people?

Or are you asking about the mythical god, Zeus?

I'm asking about zeus

Can you give me a short summary of it

No, we will not do your homework for you. Ms. Sue has given you lists of web sites for you to read, I suggested you read your text materials. Once you have done that, you are to write your own summary. That is your assignment. To have someone do it for you is cheating and you will have learned nothing at all.

Zeus is a deity in Greek mythology, considered as the king of the gods. While Zeus himself did not create anything in the traditional sense, as a god, he had a significant impact on the world and the lives of mortals. Zeus was believed to control the weather, particularly the thunder and lightning. He was also known for overseeing the governance of the universe and enforcing divine justice.

If you are looking for information about Greek mythology and the stories and characters associated with Zeus, you can refer to various sources such as books, encyclopedias, or online resources. Books such as "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" by Homer, as well as "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, contain numerous tales involving Zeus and his interactions with other gods, heroes, and mortals. Online platforms like mythology websites, academic resources, and even reputable YouTube channels can provide a wealth of information about Greek mythology and the role of Zeus.