At what age is the number of synapses in the brain the greatest?

A. 21
B. 3
C. 2
D. 15

my answer is b.


The correct answer is actually C. 2.

During early childhood, the brain undergoes a rapid period of growth and development, particularly in terms of synapse formation. Synapses are the connections between neurons in the brain that allow for communication and the transmission of information.

In the first few years of life, the brain's synapses multiply at an astonishing rate, reaching their peak around the age of 2. At this stage, a child's brain is incredibly plastic, meaning it is highly adaptable and open to learning and absorbing new information.

After this peak in synapse formation, the brain begins a process called synaptic pruning, which refines and strengthens the connections that are most frequently used while eliminating unnecessary or unused connections. This pruning process continues throughout childhood and adolescence, leading to a more efficient and specialized neural network.

So, in summary, the number of synapses in the brain is the greatest at the age of 2 (option C).