The most effective way to help a child learn new behavior is to

A. teach it during story time.
B. model the behavior whenever appropriate.
C. read about the behavior to the child.
D. show videos that teach the new behavior.

my answer is b.


Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Priscila.

To determine the most effective way to help a child learn new behavior, we need to consider the different options provided - teaching during story time, modeling the behavior whenever appropriate, reading about the behavior to the child, and showing videos that teach the new behavior.

B. Model the behavior whenever appropriate.

Modeling the behavior is indeed one of the most effective strategies to help a child learn new behavior. Children often learn best by observing and imitating others, especially those they look up to. By consistently modeling the desired behavior in various situations, parents or caregivers can provide a positive example for the child to follow. This can help reinforce the behavior and increase the likelihood that the child will adopt it.

Option A, teaching during story time, can be effective for introducing new behaviors as well. Story time presents an opportunity to use narratives or characters to convey messages and teach lessons. However, it may not be as impactful as modeling, as children may be more engaged and motivated when they witness the behavior being practiced in real-life situations.

Option C, reading about the behavior to the child, can be a useful complement to modeling. It allows the child to gain further understanding of the behavior and its importance. However, it should be part of a broader approach that includes modeling, as simply reading about the behavior alone may not be as effective in fostering behavior change.

Option D, showing videos that teach the new behavior, can also be beneficial. Videos can provide visual demonstrations and serve as additional models for the child. However, it's important to ensure that the videos are age-appropriate, engaging, and align with the child's understanding and preferences. Videos should not replace real-life modeling and interaction with adults and caregivers.

Overall, while options A, C, and D can be supportive measures, the most effective way to help a child learn new behavior is to consistently model the desired behavior whenever appropriate.