Identify two contemporary social issues in my community

Two social issues in my community:

identify two contemporary social issues in your school



To identify contemporary social issues in your community, you can follow these steps:

1. Observe and research: Begin by observing your community and researching local news sources, community forums, and social media platforms to understand the prevalent issues being discussed. Look for topics that repeatedly appear or generate significant attention.

2. Engage with community members: Interact with people in your community, such as friends, neighbors, colleagues, or local organizations. Engaging in discussions or attending community meetings can help you gain insights into the social issues affecting your community.

3. Explore local statistics: Examine local government reports, surveys, or research studies that focus on your community. Look for data related to poverty rates, unemployment, education, crime rates, healthcare access, racial disparities, environmental concerns, or other similar indicators.

4. Consider personal experiences: Reflect on your own experiences and observations within your community. Think about issues that have personally affected you or others you know, such as discrimination, homelessness, substance abuse, mental health, or inadequate infrastructure.

Based on these steps, you should be able to identify two contemporary social issues in your community that are relevant and require attention. Remember that each community is unique, so the issues you identify will depend on the specific characteristics and dynamics of your locality.