use compatable numbers and then divide


450/10 = ?


thnx its 45

whats 448*8 divsion

Is 448 divided by 8 like this in the answer is it 450 divided by 10=45

To divide using compatible numbers, you can round the numbers to make the division easier. Let's use compatible numbers for the division problem of 448 divided by 8.

Step 1: Identify compatible numbers
Compatible numbers are numbers that are easy to work with mentally and are close to the original numbers. In this case, let's identify a pair of compatible numbers that are close to 448 and 8.

As 448 is already a multiple of 8, we can use 448 as one of our compatible numbers.
For the divisor, 8 is already easy to work with, so we can use it as it is.

Step 2: Perform the division
Now, divide the compatible numbers.

448 divided by 8 is equal to 56.

So, using compatible numbers, the division problem 448 divided by 8 is equal to 56.

what are the answers