85. The overriding goal when teaching grammar to EFL students should be to

A: improve their communications skills.
B: help them successfully name parts of speech.
C: improve their abilities to diagram sentences.
D: help them prepare their own grammar lessons

86. Among responsible EFL teachers
A: there is one accepted methodology for teaching grammar to EFL students.
B: there are 3 accepted methodologies for teaching grammar to EFL students.
C: there is a great deal of variation including some extreme viewpoints.
D: little attention has been given to grammar teaching

87. Which of the criteria listed below is not one of the 5 listed for lesson planning?
A: Enjoyable
B: Progressive
C: Conservative
D: Quantifiable

My answers

85: A
86: C

Althea/Susan -- please use the same name for your posts.

Your answers are correct.

To determine the correct answers to these questions, let's go through each option and analyze them.

For question 85, the overriding goal when teaching grammar to EFL students, we need to consider which option aligns with the main purpose of teaching grammar to EFL students.

Option A: "Improve their communication skills" - This option is likely the most appropriate goal when teaching grammar to EFL students since the ultimate objective is to enhance their ability to effectively communicate in the target language.

Option B: "Help them successfully name parts of speech" - While this is a component of grammar teaching, it alone does not encompass the main objective, which is to improve communication skills.

Option C: "Improve their abilities to diagram sentences" - Sentence diagramming is a specific technique for analyzing sentence structure, but again, this is not the primary goal of teaching grammar to EFL students.

Option D: "Help them prepare their own grammar lessons" - This option is not directly related to the main objective of teaching grammar to EFL students, which is to enhance their communication skills.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer to question 85 is option A: "improve their communication skills."

Moving on to question 86, let's assess the options regarding the accepted methodologies for teaching grammar to EFL students.

Option A: "There is one accepted methodology for teaching grammar to EFL students." - It is highly unlikely that there is only one accepted methodology for teaching grammar to EFL students, as the field of language teaching encompasses various approaches and methodologies.

Option B: "There are three accepted methodologies for teaching grammar to EFL students." - While it is possible that there are multiple accepted methodologies, stating a specific number is not accurate without further context or information.

Option C: "There is a great deal of variation, including some extreme viewpoints." - This option seems more reasonable, considering that EFL teachers may have different approaches and opinions on teaching grammar, ranging from traditional to more innovative or progressive methods.

Option D: "Little attention has been given to grammar teaching." - This is unlikely to be the case as grammar teaching is a fundamental aspect of language instruction.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer to question 86 is option C: "There is a great deal of variation, including some extreme viewpoints."

Lastly, let's examine the criteria for lesson planning in question 87.

Option A: "Enjoyable" - This criterion refers to making lessons enjoyable for students, which is often considered important in keeping them engaged and motivated.

Option B: "Progressive" - This criterion suggests that lessons should be designed to progressively build on previously learned material, allowing students to steadily develop their skills and knowledge.

Option C: "Conservative" - This criterion does not align with the common criteria used for lesson planning. The term "conservative" in this context does not have a standard interpretation concerning lesson design.

Option D: "Quantifiable" - This criterion implies that lesson objectives and outcomes should be measurable or capable of being assessed in a quantifiable way.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer to question 87 is option C: "Conservative" since it does not align with the commonly recognized criteria for lesson planning.

Therefore, the correct answers to the given questions are:
85: A
86: C
87: C

Your answers are correct:

85: A - The overriding goal when teaching grammar to EFL students should be to improve their communication skills.

86: C - Among responsible EFL teachers, there is a great deal of variation including some extreme viewpoints on teaching grammar to EFL students.

87: C - Conservative is not one of the criteria listed for lesson planning, which are enjoyable, progressive, and quantifiable.