Joe receives a base salary of $42,000 annually and a commission of 10% of the total sales he makes for the year. If Joe sales are $800,000 of goods. What is his total salary for the year?

42000 + 0.10 * 800000

However, if you are looking for a linear equation,

pay = 42000 + 0.10 * sales

To find Joe's total salary for the year, we need to add his base salary and the commission he earns from his sales.

1. Start by calculating Joe's commission:
Commission = 10% of total sales
Commission = 10% * $800,000
Commission = $80,000

2. Next, add Joe's base salary and his commission to find his total salary:
Total Salary = Base Salary + Commission
Total Salary = $42,000 + $80,000
Total Salary = $122,000

Therefore, Joe's total salary for the year is $122,000.