What is the the muscles nervous systems ?

Muscles are:
Smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle

Not sure what exactly the question wants to know, where, or what.

In any case,
Smooth muscles are involuntary, usually found in the linings of hollow organs such as intestines.

Cardiac muscles are involuntary, responsible for the continual pumping actions of the heart.

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles under the somatic nervous system. Often attached to bones, they are responsible for the voluntary movements of the body.

The muscular system is responsible for movement in the body. It is made up of three types of muscles: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle. Each type of muscle has its own unique characteristics and functions.

1. Smooth muscle: Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs and structures such as the digestive tract, blood vessels, and the respiratory system. It is responsible for involuntary movements, such as peristalsis in the digestive system. Smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

2. Skeletal muscle: Skeletal muscle is attached to bones and allows voluntary movements of the body. It provides support and enables functions such as walking, running, and lifting objects. Skeletal muscles are under conscious control and are activated by the somatic nervous system.

3. Cardiac muscle: Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. It is responsible for the rhythmic contractions that pump blood throughout the body. Unlike other muscles, cardiac muscle is involuntary and its contractions are coordinated by electrical signals from the heart's own electrical system.

To learn more about the muscular system and its nervous control, you can consult anatomy textbooks, online educational resources, or refer to reputable websites that provide information on anatomy and physiology.