IMG SRC =imaginaryurls/images/page2/photo.gif

What file is being called by this IMG tag?

My Answer: /images/page2/photo.gif

What type of link is used to call this file?

My Answer: HTML????

The file is just photo.gif (the rest is the path).

The type of link is an image link.

You are correct that the file being called by the `IMG` tag in the provided code is `/images/page2/photo.gif`.

To determine what type of link is used to call this file, we need to understand how HTML works. In HTML, there are two main types of links that can be used in an `IMG` tag: absolute and relative links.

- Absolute links: These links specify the full URL of the file, including the protocol (e.g., `http://`, `https://`). An example of an absolute link for the `IMG` tag in your code would be ``.
- Relative links: These links specify the file's path relative to the current HTML document. An example of a relative link for the `IMG` tag in your code would be `/images/page2/photo.gif`. This means that the `photo.gif` file is located in a directory called "images/page2" at the root of the website.

Based on the provided code, the link used to call the file is a relative link, as it does not include the full URL and only specifies the file path relative to the current HTML document.

The file being called by the IMG tag is "photo.gif". As for the type of link used to call the file, it is not accurately determined from the given information. However, it is commonly used in HTML to add images to web pages. So, a probable answer would be that an HTML link is used to call this file.