Mr.Edgington travels 25 mph in his boat. To determine how far he travels he uses the equation d=25h, where is d in the total distance in miles and h is the number of hours he travels on his boat. Find the independent and dependent variable and the equation.

in d = 25h

the distance travelled "depends" on the time taken, so ......

In this scenario, the independent variable is the number of hours Mr. Edgington travels on his boat, represented by 'h.' The dependent variable is the total distance Mr. Edgington travels in miles, represented by 'd.'

The equation given is d = 25h, where 'd' represents the total distance Mr. Edgington travels and 'h' represents the number of hours he travels on his boat.

To find the independent and dependent variables and the equation:
- Independent variable: It is represented by 'h,' which stands for the number of hours.
- Dependent variable: It is represented by 'd,' which stands for the total distance in miles.
- Equation: The equation is given as d = 25h. This equation relates the distance traveled (dependent variable) to the number of hours traveled (independent variable).