In hiring officials it is considered best to:

A. Pay a salary plus expenses rather than a flat fee
B.Have officials selected with the approval of the opponents
C.Use local officials
D.Have officials chosen strictly by the home team.
A and C

Which of the following is not characteristic of a sports day?
A. Many activities can be conducted at one time
B. Each team is composed of students from various schools
C. May be held for either boys or girls
D. Each team is composed of students from the same school
E. There are no significant awards

What do you study in a school subject called "Ashford?"

What kind of officials are you hiring?

What kind of sports day? What is your answer?

To answer the first question, the best approach would be to eliminate the options that are not considered best practices in hiring officials. Let's go through each option:

A. Pay a salary plus expenses rather than a flat fee: This option suggests that officials should receive compensation in the form of a salary plus expenses, which aligns with best practices in hiring officials.

B. Have officials selected with the approval of the opponents: In most cases, it is not necessary or practical to involve opponents in the selection of officials. Therefore, this option is not considered a best practice.

C. Use local officials: Hiring local officials can be beneficial as they may have a better understanding of the local sports culture and rules. This option aligns with best practices in hiring officials.

D. Have officials chosen strictly by the home team: Allowing the home team to choose officials can potentially lead to biased decisions and unfairness. Therefore, this option is not considered a best practice.

Based on the analysis, the best options for hiring officials would be A. Pay a salary plus expenses rather than a flat fee and C. Use local officials. Therefore, the correct answer is A and C.

Now, let's move on to the second question. To find the characteristic that is not associated with a sports day, we need to evaluate each option:

A. Many activities can be conducted at one time: This is a commonly observed characteristic of a sports day, where multiple activities or events take place simultaneously.

B. Each team is composed of students from various schools: This characteristic indicates that students from different schools come together to form teams, which is often seen in sports events like tournaments.

C. May be held for either boys or girls: Sports days can be organized separately for boys or girls, depending on the specific circumstances and preferences.

D. Each team is composed of students from the same school: This characteristic indicates that all the students in a team belong to the same school. It is not uncommon to see teams being formed this way during sports days.

E. There are no significant awards: Although some sports days may not provide significant awards, it is not a defining characteristic of sports days.

By analyzing each option, we can see that the characteristic that is not associated with a sports day is D. Each team is composed of students from the same school. Therefore, the correct answer is D.