36 is .9% of what number?

Do you mean 0.9% or 9%?

it says .9, I got .324 but it said it was wrong

*.9%, sorry

I'll bet it's 9%.

0.09x = 36

x = 36/0.09

x = 400

36 is almost ten percent of 400.

To find out what number 36 is 0.9% of, we can use the following formula:

(Number) * (0.9%) = 36

The percentage can be written as a decimal by dividing it by 100, so 0.9% is equal to 0.009. Therefore, the equation becomes:

(Number) * 0.009 = 36

To solve for the number, divide both sides of the equation by 0.009:

(Number) = 36 / 0.009

Calculating this, we find that the number is 4000.