Eric bought a package of loose leaf paper that contained 500 sheets. In the first week, he used 1/5 of the paper. During the next two weeks, Eric used 2/5 of the remaining paper. How many sheets of paper did Eric have available at the start of the fourth week?

A. 100 sheets
B. 200 sheets
C. 240 sheets
D. 260 sheets

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Okay, my answer was 240

Because i guessed

Your guess is wrong.

500 [(5/5) - (1/5) - (2/5)] = _______ sheets

200 sheets?

Yes, 200 sheets

Thanks, Ms.Sue

You're welcome, Trey.

sheets left after 1st week = 4/5 of 500 = 400

after 2 more weeks 3/5 of those are left = 240

or, long way:

papers used in 1st week = (1/5)(500) = 100
left: 400
he uses 2/5 of those: (2/5)(400) = 160
leaving him 400 - 160 or 240 at the end of 3rd week

Reiny is right -- and Trey was right at first.

I didn't read carefully to see that it said 2/5 of the pages left.