A thing made with pride,

with voices allied,
each voice anew,
away they flew.

A song!

World War 2 Squardon

The lines you provided seem to be a poetic riddle or an enigmatic phrase. It's not clear what the exact question is. Can you please provide more context or clarify your question so I can assist you better?

The given text seems to be a riddle or a puzzle. To understand and solve it, we need to analyze the words and their meanings.

"A thing made with pride" suggests that we are looking for something created or constructed with a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction. It could refer to an object, an artwork, or any tangible item.

"Voices allied" indicates that multiple voices or individuals are working together or connected in some way. This could be interpreted metaphorically, indicating collaboration or cooperation among people.

"Each voice anew" suggests that these voices or individuals are constantly changing or evolving. It could mean that they are enthusiastic and eager, bringing new ideas or perspectives.

"Away they flew" implies that these voices or individuals have departed or gone somewhere.

Putting the clues together, the answer to this riddle could be a "project" or a "collaborative endeavor." Projects are often undertaken with pride, involve many voices or team members, and each individual brings their unique contribution. Once the project is complete, the people involved may move on to other endeavors, just as the voices flew away in the riddle.

It's important to note that riddles can have multiple interpretations, and this is just one possible answer.