Trhe cost of fencing a square field at rupees 1.60 per m is rupees 3200 fin de the cost of reaping the field at rupees 1.20 per 100 square m

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Why is fencing 1.20 per 100 SQUARE meters?

1.20/100 = x/3200(?)

To find the cost of fencing a square field, we need to know the length of one side of the square field.

Let's assume that the length of one side of the square field is 's' meters.

The perimeter of a square field is given by the formula P = 4s, and the cost of fencing per meter is 1.60 rupees.

So, the cost of fencing the square field can be calculated as follows:
Cost of fencing = Perimeter of the square field × Cost per meter
= (4s) × 1.60

However, we are given that the cost of fencing is 3200 rupees. So, we can set up the equation as follows:
4s × 1.60 = 3200

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of 's':
4s × 1.60 = 3200
6.40s = 3200
s = 3200 / 6.40
s = 500 meters

Therefore, the length of one side of the square field is 500 meters.

Now, let's move on to finding the cost of reaping the field.

To find the cost of reaping, we need to know the area of the field.

Since the field is a square, the area is given by the formula A = s^2, where 's' is the length of one side of the square field.

So, the area of the square field is:
Area = s^2
= 500^2
= 250,000 square meters

The cost of reaping per 100 square meters is 1.20 rupees.

So, the cost of reaping the field can be calculated as follows:
Cost of reaping = (Area / 100) × Cost per 100 square meters
= (250,000 / 100) × 1.20
= 2,500 × 1.20
= 3,000 rupees

Therefore, the cost of reaping the square field is 3,000 rupees.