
What contributed to the rapid growth of Japan’s economy following World War II?

a decrease in exported goods

new factories with modern technology

a poorly educated workforce***

fewer loans being given to businesses


Does that even make sense to you?

B then.

Yes, B.


sorry all caps I was to lazy to re-type in XD

The correct answer is: new factories with modern technology.

After World War II, Japan experienced a remarkable period of economic growth known as the "Japanese post-war economic miracle." This growth was mainly driven by a combination of factors that transformed the country's economy.

One of the key contributors was the establishment of new factories equipped with modern technology. Japan made significant investments in industries such as automobiles, electronics, and consumer goods. These new factories were able to produce goods more efficiently and at a lower cost, which boosted productivity and increased economic output.

On the other hand, the decrease in exported goods, a poorly educated workforce, and fewer loans being given to businesses would not have contributed positively to Japan's economic growth.

To arrive at this answer, one could have reasoned as follows:

1. Evaluate the options:
a. A decrease in exported goods: A decrease in exports generally leads to a decline in economic growth, as it reduces a country's earnings from international trade. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be a contributing factor.
b. New factories with modern technology: This option aligns with historical knowledge of Japan's post-war economic development, as they invested heavily in industrialization. Therefore, this option is more likely to be a contributing factor.
c. A poorly educated workforce: A poorly educated workforce generally hinders productivity and economic growth. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be a contributing factor.
d. Fewer loans being given to businesses: Fewer loans would limit access to capital and could potentially hinder business growth. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be a contributing factor.

2. Based on the evaluation, the option "new factories with modern technology" is the most reasonable choice, as it aligns with historical knowledge and the other options are less likely to contribute to economic growth.

It is essential to evaluate the options critically and consider historical context or prior knowledge to arrive at the correct answer.