A hall measures 16m by 12m.How many square tiles of side 4m will be required to pave its floor?

well, the room is 4x3 tiles




To calculate the number of square tiles required to pave the floor of the hall, we need to find the total area of the floor and divide it by the area of each tile.

1. First, find the area of the hall's floor:
Area of the floor = length × width = 16m × 12m = 192 square meters.

2. Next, find the area of each tile:
Area of each tile = side × side = 4m × 4m = 16 square meters.

3. Finally, divide the area of the floor by the area of each tile to get the number of tiles required:
Number of tiles = Area of the floor ÷ Area of each tile
= 192 square meters ÷ 16 square meters
= 12 tiles.

Therefore, you will require 12 square tiles with a side length of 4m each to pave the floor of the hall.