Sam Sounds received a $290 discount loan to purchase a stereo. The loan was offered at 16% for 90 days. Find the interest in dollars and the proceeds for the following problem.

Ar = Ab-I = Ab - Ab*r*t.

Ar = 290 - 290*(0.16/360)*90,
Ar = 290 - 11.60 = $278.40 = Amt. received(proceeds).

I = $11.60.

To find the interest in dollars and the proceeds, we first need to calculate the amount of interest using the following formula:

Interest = Principal x Rate x Time

Principal = $290
Rate = 16% (in decimal form, 0.16)
Time = 90 days

Plugging in the values, we can calculate the interest:

Interest = $290 x 0.16 x (90/365) [converting 90 days to a fraction of a year]

Calculating this expression will give us the interest in dollars.

Next, to find the proceeds, we subtract the interest from the principal:

Proceeds = Principal - Interest

Now, let's calculate the interest and the proceeds.