suppose in a positive numbers(including o) and the negative numbers are to be separately counted.

a) draw a flow chart.
write the pseudo code.

What numbers?

To separate positive and negative numbers and count them separately, you can follow the steps outlined in the flowchart and pseudo code below:

├── Initialize counters:
│ ├── positive_counter = 0
│ └── negative_counter = 0
├── Read a number from input
├── while the number is not zero do
│ ├── if number is positive then
│ │ ├── increment positive_counter
│ └── else if number is negative then
│ ├── increment negative_counter
│ ├── Read the next number from input
├── output the count of positive and negative numbers
└── end

Pseudo code:
positive_counter = 0
negative_counter = 0

read number from input

while number is not zero do
if number > 0 then
increment positive_counter
else if number < 0 then
increment negative_counter
read next number from input

output "Positive numbers count:", positive_counter
output "Negative numbers count:", negative_counter

Please note that the pseudo code assumes that you will provide a way to read numbers from input and store them in a variable called "number". Additionally, the code will keep taking numbers from input until a zero is entered.