what are the 8 paragraphs in the story: my bondage and my freedom by Fredrick douglass

My bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass is a book-length autobiography.

I have a packet not a book, but I cant tell where the paragraphs are.the last paragraph,last sentence says i will not censure her harshly; she cannot censure me, for she knows I speak but the truth, and have acted in a reverse of circumstances

Sorry -- but I have no idea what's in your packet.

Paragraphs should either be indented or dropped down a space.

if I writ the background paragraph will that help. this is from the English literarure book its an auto biography

To determine the number and content of paragraphs in a specific book or story, such as "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass, you would need to refer to the actual text. However, I can provide you with a general outline of the structure of a book or story, including various sections or chapters, which typically contain paragraphs. This will give you an idea of how such a work may be organized.

1. Introduction: The opening section of the story, which introduces the author, provides background information, and sets the context for the narrative.
2. Childhood and Slavery: This section may delve into the author's early years, his experiences as a slave, and the conditions he faced during this time.
3. Education and Escape: This section could focus on Douglass's quest for knowledge, including how he managed to learn to read and write. It may also cover his journey to freedom or any attempts he made at escaping.
4. Life as a Free Man: This section might explore the challenges and opportunities that arose for Douglass after he escaped slavery, such as his involvement in abolitionist movements and his advocacy for equal rights.
5. Reflections: Douglass may offer personal reflections on his experiences as a former slave, comment on the society of his time, or discuss his views on freedom, justice, and equality.
6. Social Critique: This section may contain broader societal analysis, where Douglass addresses the institution of slavery, its impact on individuals, and the nation as a whole.
7. Achievements and Contributions: This part might highlight Douglass's accomplishments as an author, speaker, and influential figure in the fight against slavery and racial oppression.
8. Conclusion: The final section of the story, which ties together the main themes and provides closure to the narrative, leaving the reader with a lasting impression.

Remember that the organization of chapters or sections, and the corresponding number of paragraphs, can vary between editions and versions of a book. It is essential to refer to the specific text to accurately identify the number of paragraphs or the content contained within them in "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass.