A bag of rice having a mass of 200g costs 40p. What is the price per kilogram

1000/200 = 5

5 * 40 = 200

I need answer

To determine the price per kilogram, we need to convert the price of 40p for a bag of rice weighing 200g to the price per kilogram.

Step 1: Convert grams to kilograms
Since there are 1000 grams in one kilogram, we divide the mass of the bag of rice (200g) by 1000:
200g / 1000 = 0.2kg

Step 2: Calculate the price per kilogram
To find the price per kilogram, we divide the total price (40p) by the weight in kilograms (0.2kg):
40p / 0.2kg = 200p/kg

Therefore, the price per kilogram of the rice is 200p, or 2 pounds (£).