If a car agency charges 240.00 per week to rent a car plus 0.25 per mile. How many miles can you travel in one week for 385.00

First subtract $385.00 with $240.00.

With the answer you get divide it by 0.25 miles

It should look like this:

385.00 - 240.00 = x
x/0.25 = number of miles drivable

To determine how many miles you can travel in one week for $385.00, we need to calculate the cost of renting the car and subtract it from the total amount. Then, we divide the remaining balance by the cost per mile to find the maximum number of miles.

Step 1: Calculate the cost of renting the car for one week.
The car agency charges $240.00 per week.

Cost of renting the car = $240.00

Step 2: Determine the remaining balance after deducting the cost of renting the car from the total amount.
Total amount - Cost of renting the car = Remaining balance
$385.00 - $240.00 = $145.00

Step 3: Calculate the maximum number of miles.
Cost per mile = $0.25

Maximum number of miles = Remaining balance / cost per mile
Maximum number of miles = $145.00 / $0.25
Maximum number of miles = 580 miles

Therefore, you can travel a maximum of 580 miles in one week for $385.00.

To calculate the number of miles you can travel in one week for $385.00, you'll need to consider the fixed weekly charge and the additional charge per mile.

First, subtract the fixed weekly charge from the total amount you have, $385.00 - $240.00 = $145.00.

This remaining amount, $145.00, represents the money available to spend on the additional charge per mile. To find out how many miles you can travel, divide this amount by the charge per mile.

$145.00 รท $0.25 = 580 miles.

So, you can travel approximately 580 miles in one week for $385.00, taking into account the given charges by the car agency.