I need to find and write the equation for the problem.

Layla wants to but a smart phone online using a $50 discount coupon along with a 20% discount on the original cost of the phone. Layla can spend up to $150. Write an inequality to find the original price of the smart phone she can afford.

(p = phone) variable

I think it may be:
(p-20%)-50 is less than or equal to 150

Thank you


The only correction is that the percentage should be changed to a decimal.

(p - 0.2) - 50 <= 150

small correction:

the in-equation should be

(p - .2p) - 50 ≤ 150
.8p - 50 ≤ 150

.8p ≤ 200
p ≤ 200/.8 or p ≤ 250
phone could cost $250
less 20% or less $50 means cost could cost $200
and she has a $50 coupon, so her $150 will do.

Thanks, Reiny!

I don't get it!!!

To find the original price of the smartphone Layla can afford, we can set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the original price of the smartphone and subtract the 20% discount. To calculate this, multiply the original price (p) by 0.20:
Original price - 0.20 * original price = (1 - 0.20) * p = 0.80 * p

2. Layla also has a $50 discount coupon, which can be subtracted from the discounted price in step 1,:
0.80 * p - $50

3. This final price resulting from the discount should be less than or equal to $150:
0.80 * p - $50 ≤ $150

Thus, the equation to find the original price of the smartphone that Layla can afford is:
0.80 * p - $50 ≤ $150

Note: In this equation, p represents the original price of the smartphone.