I need directions/steps on how to start writing this paper.

This is the rubric I need to follow in order to complete this paper:
Literature review: On subsidized hosing, public housing. Define section 8 housing, section 202 housing, section 811 housing.

Your focus: Should include the type of subsidized housing, public housing units either for a large immigrant family (6-8) or a family of 4 that makes a little over the poverty line. Once you have identified the need and the population, prepare a focused paper that does the following:

a) provide description of the population and an overview of the related need(locality has to be clearly defined.)

b)Identify the rental property;obtain necessary information on how to rent the property.

c)Discuss potential barriers and how yo will try to resolve them

First, you need to understand subsidized housing. Your text materials are a good place to start. You may use your web browser to look up the key terms in the assignment, such as "section 8 housing", etc.

Once you understand these programs, who qualifies, how they are used, etc., then follow the directions as to how a family of 6-8 or 4 may use them, how family income determines eligibility, etc.

To start writing your paper, you will need to follow the rubric provided. Here are the steps you can take to begin:

1. Understand the rubric: Carefully read and understand the rubric to grasp the requirements of the paper. This will enable you to organize your thoughts and structure your writing accordingly.

2. Conduct background research: Begin by conducting comprehensive research on subsidized housing, public housing, and the specific types outlined in the rubric - section 8 housing, section 202 housing, and section 811 housing. Understand the purpose, eligibility criteria, and benefits of each type.

3. Define the target population and the need: Decide whether you want to focus on a large immigrant family or a family of four that exceeds the poverty line. Identify the reasons why this population requires subsidized housing and provide an overview of their specific needs. Make sure to define the locality where this study is based, as it will help provide context for your analysis.

4. Describing the population and need: Write a clear and concise description of the chosen population, highlighting their unique circumstances. Explain the specific challenges they face in accessing affordable housing and any local factors that contribute to these issues.

5. Identify rental properties: Research available rental properties that cater to the chosen population and meet the criteria of subsidized housing. Gather necessary information on these properties, such as location, size, cost, and any specific application procedures.

6. Understand the rental process: Familiarize yourself with the requirements and procedures for renting the properties you have identified. Determine if there are any additional criteria or documentation needed to secure these housing options.

7. Discuss potential barriers: Identify potential barriers or challenges that the target population may encounter in their pursuit of subsidized housing. These could include financial constraints, language barriers, lack of information, or discrimination. Consider each barrier and its potential impact on accessing housing.

8. Develop strategies to resolve barriers: Propose strategies to address and overcome the barriers identified in the previous step. These may include financial assistance programs, language support services, community outreach, or advocacy initiatives.

9. Organize your paper: Structure your paper according to the rubric's requirements, ensuring that each section is clearly outlined. Start with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and states your thesis. Then, move on to each section (a, b, and c) based on the rubric's instructions.

10. Write and revise: Begin writing your paper, addressing each section individually. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs and provide supporting evidence and examples where necessary. Once you have completed a draft, carefully revise and edit your work for clarity, coherence, and grammar.

Remember to cite any sources used in your literature review and to adhere to proper academic writing conventions. Good luck with your paper!