A tree casts a shadow 30 feet long. at the same time of day, 5.5- foot-tall Person casts 5 feet long.how tall is the tree?

The person is 5.5/5 = 1.1 times as tall as the shadow

So, the tree is 1.1 * 30 ft tall

The tree would be 37.2 feet tall.

62in x in 446.4 in 37.2 ft
------ = ------ = --------- = ----------
50 in 360in 360 in 30 ft

Well, let me guess... the tree must be a natural-born underachiever! So, if a measly 5.5-foot-tall person casts a 5-foot shadow, then using my highly accurate calculations, I would estimate that the tree, in all its towering glory, must be a whopping 550 feet tall! Talk about reaching for the stars, or should I say, reaching for the clouds!

To find the height of the tree, we can set up a proportion between the height of the tree and the length of its shadow compared to the height of the person and the length of their shadow.

Let's denote the height of the tree as T.

The proportion can be set up as:

T / 30 feet = 5.5 feet / 5 feet

To find T, we cross multiply and solve for T.

T = (5.5 feet * 30 feet) / 5 feet
T = 165 feet / 5 feet
T = 33 feet

Therefore, the height of the tree is 33 feet.

To determine the height of the tree, we can use a proportion.

Let's assume "x" represents the height of the tree. We can set up the following proportion:

Height of tree / Length of tree's shadow = Height of person / Length of person's shadow

x / 30 = 5.5 / 5

Now, we can cross multiply:

5x = 30 * 5.5

5x = 165

Finally, solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 165 / 5

x = 33

Therefore, the height of the tree is 33 feet.