i am stuck on this problem:

Find the slope and y-intercept of the line represented by the table of values below, then answer the question that follows.
x y
-10 -310
5 80
12 262
19 444
What is the sum of the slope and the y-intercept?
For the y-intecept i got 26 for the slope i got 2 what am i doing wrong and what is wrong and what is right?

first, check to be sure there is a constant slope:

(80+310)/(5+10) = 26
(262-80)/(12-5) = 26
(444-262)/(19-12) = 26

So, the slope is 26

For the y-intercept, since x=0 is 1/3 of the way from 5 to -10, the y-intercept is 1/3 of the way from 80 to -310: -50

26 + -50 = -24

Just to check, we have the slope and intercept, and we can write the equation: y = 26x - 50

The points fit that equation.

no idea what you did wrong, since you didn't bother to show your work.

I really don't get how you got -50 as the y-intercept can you explain more clearer how you got that

Plot the points. It will be clear that the line contains (0,-50).

Or, now that you know the slope, use the point-slope form of the line with any of the points. How about (5,80)

y-80 = 26(x-5)

Now plug in x=0 and you will get y = -50.

Ive gotten it thank you

To find the slope and y-intercept of a line represented by a table of values, you can use the formula for the slope-intercept form of a linear equation: y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

To calculate the slope (m), you need to find the change in y divided by the change in x. Choose two points from the table, and then use the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's take the points (-10, -310) and (5, 80) to calculate the slope:

m = (80 - (-310)) / (5 - (-10))
m = (80 + 310) / (5 + 10)
m = 390 / 15
m = 26

So, the slope (m) is 26, not 2 as you mentioned.

To calculate the y-intercept (b), you can choose any point from the table and substitute its coordinates (x, y) into the equation y = mx + b. Let's choose the point (5, 80):

80 = 26(5) + b
80 = 130 + b
b = 80 - 130
b = -50

So, the y-intercept (b) is -50, not 26 as you mentioned.

Now, to find the sum of the slope and the y-intercept, you can simply add the values together:

Sum = m + b
Sum = 26 + (-50)
Sum = -24

Therefore, the correct sum of the slope and y-intercept is -24, not 28 as you initially mentioned.