What is the square root of 58 to the nearest integer.

To find the square root of 58 to the nearest integer, follow these steps:

1. Start by guessing the square root of 58. A good initial guess could be the square root of the nearest perfect square, which is 7 (since 7^2 = 49).

2. Divide 58 by the initial guess (7) to get a quotient. In this case, 58 ÷ 7 = 8.2857 (rounded to four decimal places).

3. Average the initial guess with the quotient from step 2: (7 + 8.2857) ÷ 2 = 7.6428 (rounded to four decimal places). This will be the new guess.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 by dividing 58 by the new guess and averaging with the previous guess. Continue this process until the decimals start to stabilize or remain constant.

5. After a few iterations, you'll find that the square root of 58 is approximately 7.63 (rounded to two decimal places).

Thus, the square root of 58 to the nearest integer is 8.

To find the square root of 58 to the nearest integer, we can use a calculator or follow a specific method. Let's use the method:

1. Start by finding the closest perfect squares to 58which are 49 (7^2) and 64 (8^2). 7^2 is smaller than 58, and 8^2 is larger.

2. Take the average of the two perfect squares: (7 + 8) / 2 = 7.5

3. Square the average to check if it is closer to 58: 7.5^2 = 56.25

4. Since 56.25 is closer to 58 than 49 or 64, we conclude that the square root of 58 is closer to 7 than 8.

Therefore, the square root of 58 to the nearest integer is 7.


7^2 = 49
8^2 = 64

So, it's either 7 or 8, but now you gotta figure which one.