Explain the following:

1) Ethylene, C2H4 is a planar molecule, but hydrazine, N2H4, is not
2) ICl2- is linear, but NH2- is bent
3) Of the compounds mercury(II) cyanate, Hg(OCN)2 and mercury(II) fulminate, Hg(CNO)2, one is highly explosive, the other is not.

1) Well, you see, ethylene, C2H4, is a planar molecule because it's trying to win a limbo competition. It wants to be as flat as possible to slide under the limbo bar without knocking it over. However, hydrazine, N2H4, is not a fan of limbo and prefers to dance freely in three-dimensional space. So, it ends up being all wiggly and non-planar.

2) Ah, the curious case of ICl2- and NH2-. Picture ICl2- as a very serious and straight-laced individual, like a strict math teacher. It stands in a perfectly straight line because it wants to show off its properness. On the other hand, NH2- is more of a carefree and relaxed molecule, like a yoga instructor. It bends and contorts itself into different shapes, trying to find inner peace and balance. It's just a bit more flexible in its outlook on life.

3) Ah, the explosive question! Imagine a chemistry competition where one compound, let's call it Mercury(II) Cyanate, is like a ninja acrobat. It's stable, knows all the right moves, and doesn't explode under pressure. However, the other compound, Mercury(II) Fulminate, is like a ticking time bomb. It's highly explosive and unpredictable, like a surprise party gone wrong. So, one compound keeps its cool, while the other loves to make a bang.

1) Ethylene, C2H4, is a planar molecule because it consists of a carbon-carbon double bond. The double bond restricts the rotation of the carbon atoms, causing the molecule to lie in a flat plane. The carbon atoms and the hydrogens attached to them are all on the same plane, resulting in a planar molecule.

In contrast, hydrazine, N2H4, is not planar. It contains two nitrogen atoms connected by a single bond and two hydrogen atoms bonded to each nitrogen. The lone pairs of electrons on each nitrogen atom repel each other, causing the molecule to adopt a bent shape. This bending disrupts the planar structure that would have been formed if the lone pairs were not present.

2) ICl2- is a linear molecule because it consists of three atoms: one iodine (I) atom and two chlorine (Cl) atoms. The central iodine atom is surrounded by two chlorine atoms in a straight line, resulting in a linear molecular shape.

On the other hand, NH2- is a bent or angular molecule. It consists of three atoms: one nitrogen (N) atom and two hydrogen (H) atoms. The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom causes the molecule to adopt a bent shape. The repulsion between the lone pair and the bonded electron pairs pushes the hydrogens away from each other, resulting in a bent molecular shape.

3) The explosives properties of the compounds mercury(II) cyanate, Hg(OCN)2, and mercury(II) fulminate, Hg(CNO)2, are due to their different chemical structures.

Mercury(II) fulminate, Hg(CNO)2, is highly explosive. It contains a fulminate ion (CNO-) which is unstable and prone to decomposition. The compound undergoes a rapid and violent decomposition reaction when subjected to heat, shock, or friction, resulting in an explosion.

On the other hand, mercury(II) cyanate, Hg(OCN)2, is not explosive. It contains cyanate ions (OCN-) that are relatively stable and do not undergo spontaneous decomposition. Although it is toxic, it does not possess the instability and sensitivity to external factors that would lead to an explosive reaction.

1) Ethylene (C2H4) is a planar molecule because it consists of two carbon atoms connected by a double bond. The carbon atoms in ethylene have four valence electrons, and each carbon atom also has three hydrogen atoms bonded to it. This configuration gives ethylene a linear arrangement, with the carbon atoms lying in the same plane.

Hydrazine (N2H4), on the other hand, is not planar. It contains two nitrogen atoms bonded together, each with two hydrogen atoms attached. Unlike carbon, which can form multiple bonds and achieve a stable planar configuration, nitrogen does not have the same ability. Consequently, hydrazine adopts a bent structure due to the repulsion between the lone pairs of electrons on each nitrogen atom. This arrangement is energetically favored over a planar structure.

2) ICl2- and NH2- have different shapes due to the electronic and molecular geometries of their constituent atoms.

ICl2- is a linear molecule because it consists of one iodine atom bonded to two chlorine atoms. Iodine is a larger atom than chlorine and therefore features a higher electron density, resulting in the two chlorine atoms adopting a linear arrangement around the central iodine atom. The electron and molecular geometry are both linear, leading to a linear molecular shape.

NH2- is a bent (or angular) molecule because it contains three atoms: one nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms. Nitrogen has a smaller atomic size compared to chlorine or iodine. Additionally, nitrogen has one lone pair of electrons that repels the bonding pairs, causing the H-N-H bond angle to be less than 180 degrees. As a result, the electron and molecular geometry are both trigonal pyramidal, leading to a bent molecular shape.

3) Mercury(II) cyanate, Hg(OCN)2, is a relatively stable compound and is not highly explosive. It contains a mercury(II) ion bonded to two cyanate ions. The cyanate ion (OCN-) consists of a carbon atom bonded to both nitrogen and oxygen. This compound is typically used in the synthesis of other chemicals and compounds.

On the other hand, mercury(II) fulminate, Hg(CNO)2, is highly explosive. It also contains a mercury(II) ion but is bonded to two fulminate ions. The fulminate ion (CNO-) consists of a carbon atom bonded to both nitrogen and oxygen, similar to the cyanate ion. However, the fulminate ion is highly unstable, and its compounds, such as mercury(II) fulminate, are extremely sensitive to shock, friction, and heat, leading to explosive behavior.

The difference in the explosive properties of mercury(II) cyanate and mercury(II) fulminate lies in the chemical nature and stability of the fulminate ion compared to the cyanate ion. Even though they have similar chemical formulas, their structural and electronic properties lead to vastly different behavior.

Three questions with no input from you. #1: C2H4 has a double bond so it must be planar. N2H4 has no double bond.

2. http://lessons.chemistnate.com/questions-answered/lewis-structures-and-vsepr-shapes-of-icl2-and-icl2-ions
