Given a time in the 12 hour format with the suffix, either AM/PM, convert that into a 24 hour format. 12 hour format is hours:minutes:seconds followed by AM or PM, where the hours range is from 0 to 12, minutes range is from 0 to 59, second range is from 0 to 59. 24 hours format is hours:minutes and seconds, where hours range is from 0 to 23, minutes range is from 0 to 59, seconds range is from 0 to 59. All the three components: hours, minutes and seconds are represented in the two digit format

NOTE. Midnight is 12'o clock is 12:00:00AM in the 12 hour format and it is 00:00:00 in 24 hour format. 12 noon is 12:00:00PM in the 12 hour format and it is 12:00:00 in the 24 hour format
for example if input is 07:05:45 PM then the output is 19:05:45 and if the input is 07:05:45 AM then the output is 07:05:45

input format:
Time in 12 hour format with suffix, either AM or PM

Output format:
Print time in 24 hour format

Boundary Condition
0< hour, minute and seconds < 60
Meridian Should be either “AM” or “PM”

To convert a time from the 12-hour format to the 24-hour format, we need to consider the following steps:

1. Parse the input time string to separate the hours, minutes, seconds, and the meridian (AM/PM).
2. If the meridian is "AM" and the hours is 12, set the hours to 0.
3. If the meridian is "PM" and the hours is from 1 to 11, add 12 to the hours.
4. Format the hours, minutes, and seconds to a two-digit format by adding leading zeros if necessary.
5. Concatenate the formatted hours, minutes, and seconds with colons (:) in between to form the 24-hour time string.

Here's an example code in Python to implement the above steps:

def convert_to_24_hour_format(time_str):
# Parsing the input string
hours, minutes, seconds = map(int, time_str[:-6].split(":"))
meridian = time_str[-2:]

# Converting to 24-hour format
if meridian == "AM" and hours == 12:
hours = 0
elif meridian == "PM" and hours < 12:
hours += 12

# Formatting the time components
hours_str = str(hours).zfill(2)
minutes_str = str(minutes).zfill(2)
seconds_str = str(seconds).zfill(2)

# Concatenating the formatted components
result = "{}:{}:{}".format(hours_str, minutes_str, seconds_str)

return result

# Example usage
input_time = "07:05:45 PM"
output_time = convert_to_24_hour_format(input_time)
print(output_time) # Output: 19:05:45

Note: The above code assumes that the input time is always in the correct format and within the specified range.