Explain how your mystery/legend contains the following literary elements: I chose Atlantis as my mystery/legend. I am not sure what they mean when they say scene. My answer is as follows.

a. Setting

b. Plot

c. Characters

d. Conflict

e. Scene
The legend/mystery of Atlantis contains the following literary elements beginning with setting that is set in the Atlantic Ocean. The plot involves a Utopian society that is ruled by the sons of Poseidon and is hit by an earthquake and sinks to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The conflict comes when, after many years, the divine blood of the rulers became diluted with the blood of mortals, making Atlantis weaker and causing it to be defeated in war with the Greeks. Characters does not really consist of personal names, but instead, a Utopian society that is led by Poseidon and his sons along with the Greeks.

So ... aren't Poseidon and his sons characters? You need to describe them and how they function in the story.

Scene -- I'd choose one dramatic scene and (combining narrative and description) tell all about it.

Does your plot have ALL the elements shown in Freitag's pyramid?

To analyze how the mystery/legend of Atlantis contains the literary elements you mentioned, let's break down each element:

a. Setting: The setting refers to the time and place where the story takes place. In the case of Atlantis, it is said to be located in the Atlantic Ocean.

b. Plot: The plot refers to the sequence of events in a story. In the legend of Atlantis, the plot revolves around a highly advanced and utopian society that is ruled by the sons of Poseidon. However, the plot takes a turn when Atlantis is struck by a powerful earthquake, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

c. Characters: The characters are the individuals or entities that drive the story. In the case of Atlantis, the characters include Poseidon and his sons who rule the utopian society. Additionally, there is a conflict with the Greeks, who ultimately defeat Atlantis in a war. It is important to note that the legend does not typically provide specific personal names for the characters, but rather focuses on the mythological figures and civilizations involved.

d. Conflict: Conflict refers to the central problem or struggle in a story that creates tension and drives the narrative forward. In the case of Atlantis, the conflict arises from the dilution of divine blood within the rulers of Atlantis, leading to a weakening of their power. This conflict eventually results in war with the Greeks, leading to the downfall of Atlantis.

e. Scene: The term "scene" in literature typically refers to a specific location or time within a larger story. It represents a place where characters interact or events take place. In the case of the Atlantis legend, scenes could include the utopian society of Atlantis, the earthquake that causes its demise, or the war with the Greeks. Each scene provides a specific moment in the story where events occur.

To summarize, the legend of Atlantis contains the literary elements you mentioned, including setting (Atlantic Ocean), plot (the rise and fall of Atlantis), characters (Poseidon, his sons, and the Greeks), conflict (the weakening of Atlantis leading to war), and scenes (specific locations or events within the story).