Where do you insert parenthesis to make this equation true: 3x5+4-2x2+6-4=15


since the only two odd numbers are the 3x5, and only the product of two odds or the sum of an even and an odd is odd, we must have either

3x(5...) or (3x5)+...

see what you can do with that

To make the equation 3x5+4-2x2+6-4=15 true, you can insert parentheses in the following way:

3x(5+4)-2x2+(6-4) = 15

By doing this, you first perform the addition within the parentheses: 5+4=9, and 6-4=2. Then, you perform the multiplication: 3x9=27, and -2x2=-4. Finally, you add and subtract the remaining terms: 27-4+2 = 25, which is equal to 15.

To insert parentheses into an equation to make it true, you need to consider the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS). Following the order of operations, you should perform the operations within parentheses first, then evaluate exponents or roots, then perform multiplication and division (from left to right), and finally add and subtract (from left to right).

Let's work through the equation step by step to find the correct placement of parentheses:

3 x 5 + 4 - 2 x 2 + 6 - 4 = 15

First, we can perform the multiplications:

15 + 4 - 2 x 2 + 6 - 4 = 15

Next, we perform the additions:

19 - 2 x 2 + 6 - 4 = 15

Now, let's consider the subtraction:

19 - 4 + 6 - 4 = 15

To make the equation true, we need to group the final four numbers together using parentheses:

(19 - 4 + 6) - 4 = 15

Simplifying within the parentheses first:

(15 + 6) - 4 = 15

Continuing the simplification:

21 - 4 = 15

Finally, we get:

17 = 15

The equation is still not true. Therefore, there is no feasible placement of parentheses to make the equation true.