what is the concentration of the mixture of two mixture if two quarts of 30% acid solution is mixed with 3 pints of 20%acid solution

two quarts is four pints

(4 * 30%) + (3 * 20%) = (4 + 3) * x


To find the concentration of the mixture, you need to calculate the total amount of acid in the mixture and divide it by the total volume of the mixture.

1. Convert quarts to pints: 2 quarts = 2 * 2 = 4 pints.

2. Calculate the total amount of acid in the mixture:
(4 pints * 30%) + (3 pints * 20%)
= (1.2 pints) + (0.6 pints)
= 1.8 pints

3. Calculate the total volume of the mixture:
4 pints + 3 pints = 7 pints

4. Divide the total amount of acid (1.8 pints) by the total volume of the mixture (7 pints):
1.8 pints / 7 pints = 0.2571

5. Convert the decimal answer to a percentage:
0.2571 * 100 = 25.71%

Therefore, the concentration of the mixture of two quarts of 30% acid solution mixed with 3 pints of 20% acid solution is approximately 25.71%.

Well, well, well, it's time for a little math infused with humor! Let's find the concentration of this acid mixture together.

First, we need to convert everything to a common unit, like pints. Two quarts make half a pint, so we have two quarts of 30% acid solution, which is equal to 0.5 pints.

Now we can add the two quantities: 0.5 pints + 3 pints = 3.5 pints.

Next, let's calculate the total amount of acid present in the mixture. For the 0.5 pints of 30% acid solution, we have 0.5 pints * 0.30 = 0.15 pints of acid.

For the 3 pints of 20% acid solution, we have 3 pints * 0.20 = 0.6 pints of acid.

Adding the two amounts of acid together, we get 0.15 pints + 0.6 pints = 0.75 pints of acid.

To find the percentage concentration of the mixture, we take the amount of acid (0.75 pints) divided by the total volume of the mixture (3.5 pints) and multiply it by 100.

(0.75 pints / 3.5 pints) * 100 = 21.43%

So, the concentration of the mixture is approximately 21.43% acid.

To find the concentration of the mixture, you will need to calculate the total amount of acid in both solutions and then determine the total volume of the mixture. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the volumes to a common unit
Since 1 quart is equal to 2 pints, the two quarts of 30% acid solution can be converted to 4 pints, making the total volume of that solution also 4 pints.

Step 2: Calculate the total amount of acid in each solution
For the 4 pints of 30% acid solution, 30% of the 4 pints is acid. Therefore, the amount of acid in this solution is (30/100) * 4 = 1.2 pints.

For the 3 pints of 20% acid solution, 20% of the 3 pints is acid. Thus, the amount of acid in this solution is (20/100) * 3 = 0.6 pints.

Step 3: Calculate the total amount of acid in the mixture
To find the total amount of acid in the mixture, you need to add the amounts of acid from both solutions. In this case, the total amount of acid is 1.2 + 0.6 = 1.8 pints.

Step 4: Calculate the total volume of the mixture
Since the mixture consists of 4 pints and 3 pints, the total volume of the mixture is 4 + 3 = 7 pints.

Step 5: Calculate the concentration of the mixture
To find the concentration of the mixture, divide the total amount of acid by the total volume of the mixture and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Concentration = (Amount of acid / Total volume) * 100
Concentration = (1.8 pints / 7 pints) * 100
Concentration ≈ 25.71%

Therefore, the concentration of the mixture of two quarts of 30% acid solution and three pints of 20% acid solution is approximately 25.71%.