After drugs were administered, the brain activity of each person was recorded.

This statement should be classified as

1 the problem = the main issue or subject being investigated in the study
2 a method= a procedure , process, or approach used to investigate the problem
3 a finding= a proven result obtained as a part of the investigation
4 an assumption= a supporting idea, belief, or theory for which no proof is provided in the study
5 irrelevant information= material that does not directly help to provide an understanding of the problem

I believe the answer is 2 a method ?!

Yes, 2.

thank you Ms. Sue I feel like I'm getting smarter :)

You sure are getting smarter! :-)

You're welcome.

Actually, the statement "After drugs were administered, the brain activity of each person was recorded" is a method. It describes the procedure or approach used in the study, which is the recording of brain activity after administering drugs. So, your belief is correct, the statement should be classified as 2, a method.