Last week, Raghav's fruit stallsold 2/5 of a box of apricats. Down the road, Raj Fruit sold 2/3 as many boxes of apricats as Raghav's did. How many boxes of apricats did Raj's fruit stall sell?

Isn't your School SUBJECT math?

Try to analyze a little , if Raghav's fruit stallsold 2/5 of a box of apricats and Raj Fruit sold 2/3 as many boxes of apricats as Raghav's did ,therefore 2/5 can be called x and 2/3× is ???

To find out how many boxes of apricots Raj's fruit stall sold, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of apricot boxes sold by Raghav's fruit stall.
To do this, we know that Raghav's stall sold 2/5 of a box of apricots. We can write this as a division equation:
2/5 = x/1
Where x represents the number of boxes sold by Raghav's stall.

We can solve this equation by cross-multiplying:
2 * 1 = 5 * x
2 = 5x

Now we isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:
2/5 = x
x = 2/5

So Raghav's fruit stall sold 2/5 of a box of apricots, which is equal to 2/5 boxes.

Step 2: Calculate the number of boxes sold by Raj's fruit stall.
We know that Raj's stall sold 2/3 as many boxes of apricots as Raghav's stall. To find this number, we can multiply the fraction of boxes sold by Raghav's stall (2/5) by the fraction representing Raj's share (2/3).
Multiply the fractions:
(2/5) * (2/3)

To perform this multiplication, multiply the numerators (2 * 2) and the denominators (5 * 3):

Therefore, Raj's fruit stall sold 4/15 boxes of apricots.

So the answer is:
Raj's fruit stall sold 4/15 boxes of apricots.