What volumes of 0.00250M salicylic acid solution and 0.1M ferric chloride solution would you need to make 50mL of a 0.00350M solution?

0.00350 M solution in what? salicylic acid? ferric chloride? the product? If the product, what product?

I'm sorry, of the product: Iron-salicylate complex.

I assume the equation is

Fe^3+ + SYL ==> Fe(SYL)^3+

You want 50.00 mL x 0.00350M = 0.175 millimols of the complex.
So you will need 3x that of SYL and 1x that for Fe^3+.
So mL x M = millimols.
For Fe you need mL x 0.1M = 0.175 mmol.
For SYL you need mL x 0.00250 = 3*0.175 mmol.
Solve for mL in each case.

When I solve for Fe I get 1.75mL and for SYL I get 210mL. That can't be correct if we are trying to make 50mL.

The equation is:

Salicylic Acid + [Fe(H2o)6]^+3 ---> Iron-salicylate complex

To determine the volumes of salicylic acid solution and ferric chloride solution needed to make a 50 mL solution with a final concentration of 0.00350 M, we can use the formula:

C1V1 + C2V2 = C3V3

C1 = concentration of the first solution (salicylic acid)
V1 = volume of the first solution (salicylic acid)
C2 = concentration of the second solution (ferric chloride)
V2 = volume of the second solution (ferric chloride)
C3 = final concentration of the mixture
V3 = final volume of the mixture

Given data:
C1 = 0.00250 M
C2 = 0.1 M
C3 = 0.00350 M
V3 = 50 mL

Let's solve for V1 and V2 using the formula:

(0.00250 M)(V1) + (0.1 M)(V2) = (0.00350 M)(50 mL)

Simplifying the equation:

0.00250 V1 + 0.1 V2 = 0.00350 * 50

0.00250 V1 + 0.1 V2 = 0.175

To solve for V1 and V2, we need another equation. One possible way to solve this system of equations is by trial and error or by using additional information provided by the question. Without further information, we cannot determine the individual volumes of the two solutions needed to obtain the desired concentration accurately.