what impact did early and ongoing European immigration have on native american peoples?

dont know the answer anyone could help that would be great!

The immigrants pushed the natives off their land. They also inadvertently exposed the natives to diseases for which they had no immunity.

They had many diseases that couldn't be cured back then.

Of course! The impact of early and ongoing European immigration on Native American peoples was significant and far-reaching. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Research historical sources: Look for historical documents, primary sources, and scholarly articles that analyze the relationship between European immigrants and Native American tribes during different time periods.

2. Study colonization and displacement: Europeans settlers, through colonization efforts, often pushed Native Americans off their ancestral lands, leading to displacement and loss of traditional territories.

3. Examine cultural assimilation: European immigration often led to cultural assimilation efforts where Native American traditions, languages, and cultural practices were suppressed or lost over time.

4. Consider disease and population decline: European immigration brought new diseases, such as smallpox and influenza, to which Native Americans had little or no immunity, resulting in devastating population declines.

5. Explore conflicts and wars: European immigration also led to conflicts and wars between the newcomers and Native American tribes, as both groups sought to control resources and territories.

6. Recognize diversity of experiences: Remember that the impact varied among different Native American tribes and regions. Some tribes suffered more severe consequences than others due to factors like geographical location and their initial interactions with European settlers.

By considering these points and conducting further research, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of early and ongoing European immigration on Native American peoples.