Which of the following is an example of an informational text that explains?

A pamphlet that disputes a point
A written account of events in war
An instruction manual for a computer
An argument about the use of exams

Is it b pls help me

I disagree.

is it a

No, it's not a either. Think about it. Don't post another guess. You're on your own now, Oscar.

Pretty sure It's C

i think its C too

The ability to split atoms and harness the power released has been around since the 1950s. Nuclear power is a safe, relatively clean and renewable source of energy.

Considering the energy costs of the United States, it makes good sense to develop the American nuclear power industry. At present there are just over 100 nuclear plants in America providing 20% of our nation's electricity needs. No new nuclear power plants have been built since the 1970s. While America has neglected nuclear power plant development, other countries have enthusiastically utilized nuclear power plants to lessen their greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Modern advances in nuclear reactor construction and monitoring have resulted in safer energy production. Accidents that occurred in the past, like the famous meltdown at Chernobyl in Russia, are very unlikely in the twenty-first century. Nuclear power is safer than ever before.

Unfortunately, the initial costs in building a nuclear power plant are very high. Nuclear reactors can cost as much as eight billion dollars. Another challenge is that building plants that meet the safety requirements of the American public takes a long time. Financing such long term construction products is often beyond the ability or not in the interests of private commercial banks. Since banks are unwilling or unable to lend the money, the federal government should step in and finance construction. Other governments around the world justify financing nuclear power plant construction as a vital national interest; we should too.

Which of the following best states the author's purpose? (5 points)

To determine the difference between energy sources

To inform readers about how nuclear energy works

To persuade governments to use more nuclear energy

To teach others about the dangers of nuclear energy

Yes, you are correct. Choice B, a written account of events in war, is an example of an informational text that explains. This type of text provides factual details and explanations regarding the events that occurred during a war. It aims to inform and educate the reader about what happened, who was involved, and the overall context and impact of the war. It typically avoids taking a specific stance or engaging in arguments, focusing instead on presenting objective information.