The registration fees for athletes in the different categories are as follow. Children: 10 - 14 =r 15,00 youth : 15 - 18 =r 20,00 adults : 19 years and older= r 30,00 distances: 1 yard= o,9140 1 mile= 1760 yards volume: 1 c= 0,264 us gallons time: 100 milliseconds= 1 second questions 3.1.1 if 175 children 275 youth and 250 adults will participate what will be the total income from the registration fees of all participants? 3.1.12 they received a sponsorship of 50 us gallons of energy drink. Convert the amount of energy drinks to litres. Round off to one decimal place. 3.1.3 john argues that 1 mile is approximately 1600 m. Saliva disagrees and argues that it is nearly 2 000 m. Who is the closest to the correct answer ? Motivate your answer by converting 1 mile to metres.

#3.1.1: 175*15 + 275*20 + 250*30 = 15625

#3.1.12: each gallon is 3.785 liters, so just multiply
#3.1.3: 1 mile = 1609 meters