triangle abc is reflected over the y-axis. What are the coordinates of the reflected triangle? Describe in words what happens to the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices as a result of this reflection?

A = 1,3 B = 4,5 C = 3,1

Please help, I do not understand the question and im very far behind.

To find the coordinates of the reflected triangle when triangle ABC is reflected over the y-axis, you need to change the sign of the x-coordinates while keeping the y-coordinates the same.

Let's apply this reflection to the original triangle:
A(1, 3) will become (-1, 3) since we change the sign of the x-coordinate.
B(4, 5) will become (-4, 5).
C(3, 1) will become (-3, 1).

To describe what happens to the x-coordinates and y-coordinates:
The x-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices change their signs after the reflection. In this case, positive x-coordinates become negative, and negative x-coordinates become positive.
The y-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices do not change because the reflection is done over the y-axis, which does not impact the vertical position.

So, the x-coordinates change signs, while the y-coordinates remain the same.