Which of the following is NOT a function of the stomach?

A. store food

B.kill bacteria

C. digestion of most foods

D. move chyme into the duodenum

Tricky help?

To determine which of the options is NOT a function of the stomach, let's analyze each of them:

A. Storing food: The stomach is responsible for storing food temporarily before it is gradually released into the small intestine for further digestion. This is indeed a function of the stomach.

B. Killing bacteria: The stomach produces gastric acid, which creates an acidic environment that helps kill bacteria present in the ingested food. This is also a function of the stomach.

C. Digestion of most foods: The stomach uses strong muscular contractions and gastric acids to break down food and convert it into a semi-liquid substance called chyme. This allows for the initial digestion of most foods, so this is a function of the stomach.

D. Moving chyme into the duodenum: After the food has been sufficiently broken down into chyme, the stomach contracts and releases the chyme into the small intestine, specifically the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine. This is also a function of the stomach.

Therefore, the answer is NONE of the above. All of the options listed are functions of the stomach.