Which of the following does not describe a boundary?

A. Vertical plane that cuts through the rocks below.
B. Divides one state from another.
C. Natural Resources identify boundaries
D. Air space defined above the atmosphere of a state.
E. All of the above describe a boundary


Yes, E.

I think the right answer is e

To determine which of the options does not describe a boundary, let's analyze each option individually:

A. A vertical plane that cuts through the rocks below could describe a boundary because it could represent the separation between two geological formations or territories.

B. Dividing one state from another describes a boundary. Boundaries commonly mark the separation between political entities, such as states or countries.

C. Natural resources can be used to identify boundaries in some cases. For example, a river could serve as a boundary between two regions.

D. Airspace defined above the atmosphere of a state can also be considered a boundary. Countries typically have airspace regulations to control the movement of aircraft within their jurisdiction.

Therefore, options A, B, C, and D all describe boundaries.

So, the correct answer is E. All of the above describe a boundary.