7.which of the following best decribes the overall affect of the renaissence on european attitudes toward art and learning?

A. catholic leaders embraced humanism

B.artists began to paint in a more stylized manner.

C.classical humanism and realistic paintings became popular. (MY ANSWER)

D.europe entered a dark age that emphaized warfare over learning.

8.which of the following best describes the effect of the protestant reformation on europe?
A.monasteries throughout france and england became more firmly roman catholic

B.the roman catholic church no longer influenced italy and spain.

C.martin luther reformed the catholic church from within

D.many christians no longer looked to the pope as religious authority (MY ANSWER)

I agree with both of your answers.

Thank u Mrs. Sue.

You're welcome, LOVE.


For Question 7, you have selected option C: "Classical humanism and realistic paintings became popular" as the best description of the overall effect of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning. This is the correct answer.

To arrive at this answer, you need to have a general understanding of the Renaissance period. The Renaissance, which took place from the 14th to the 17th centuries, was characterized by a renewed interest in the arts, sciences, and learning. During this time, there was a shift away from the medieval mindset and a return to the values of ancient Greece and Rome.

One key aspect of the Renaissance was the revival of classical humanism. Humanism emphasized the importance of individual human beings, their potential, and their value. It involved a focus on human achievements, such as literature, philosophy, and art, and a desire to explore and understand the world through observation and reason. This shift in thinking greatly influenced European attitudes toward art and learning.

Furthermore, the Renaissance was marked by a significant development in art. Artists began to move away from the stylized and symbolic art of the Middle Ages and instead embraced a more realistic and naturalistic style. They sought to depict the world as it appeared, using techniques such as perspective and anatomical accuracy. Realistic paintings became popular during this time, further contributing to the overall effect of the Renaissance on European attitudes toward art and learning.

For Question 8, you have selected option D: "Many Christians no longer looked to the pope as religious authority" as the best description of the effect of the Protestant Reformation on Europe. This is the correct answer.

To determine the effect of the Protestant Reformation on Europe, it is essential to understand the key events and beliefs associated with this movement. The Protestant Reformation, which began in the 16th century, was a religious and political upheaval that challenged the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and led to the formation of various Protestant denominations.

One of the central figures in the Protestant Reformation was Martin Luther. He criticized the practices of the Catholic Church, such as the sale of indulgences (pardons for sins), and questioned the authority of the pope. Luther believed in the importance of direct access to scripture and salvation through faith alone, rather than relying on intermediaries like priests or the pope.

As a result of Luther's teachings and the wider Protestant Reformation, many Christians began to question the authority and influence of the pope as the religious authority figure. They sought a more personal and individual connection with their faith, emphasizing direct interpretation of scripture and personal relationship with God.

Therefore, the answer stating that "Many Christians no longer looked to the pope as religious authority" best describes the effect of the Protestant Reformation on Europe.