Which of the following is typically associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants in a water supply?

An increase in dissolved oxygen
A decrease in dissolved oxygen
An increase in phosphates
A decrease in phosphates

pls help me

To determine which factor is typically associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants in a water supply, let's break down the options:

1. An increase in dissolved oxygen: Photosynthesizing plants require oxygen for respiration. An increase in dissolved oxygen levels would generally benefit the plants as it provides more availability for respiration, rather than reducing their numbers.

2. A decrease in dissolved oxygen: This is a more likely factor associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants. When the dissolved oxygen levels in the water decrease, it becomes more difficult for plants to carry out respiration effectively. Consequently, their growth and survival can be negatively impacted.

3. An increase in phosphates: Phosphates are essential nutrients for plant growth and are often found in fertilizers. Therefore, an increase in phosphates could potentially promote plant growth rather than reduce it, depending on other factors such as light and temperature.

4. A decrease in phosphates: A decrease in phosphates can limit the availability of essential nutrients for photosynthesizing plants. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies, stunted growth, and ultimately a reduction in plant numbers.

Considering these explanations, the option typically associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants in a water supply is "A decrease in phosphates."