Which of the following is equivalent to e+f/a-d = b/a

a(e+f) = b(a-d)
a+f/a-d = b/a
ae+f = ab-d
b(e+f) = a(a-d)

I don't know how to do this:/ Some guidance would be great:)

(e+f)/(a-d) = b/a

clear the denominators (also known as cross-multiplying)

(e+f)a = b(a-d)

(e+f)/b = (a-d)/a

Looks like the first one is good.

None of them are if you meant it the way you typed your first equation.

If you meant:
(e+f)/(a-d) = b/a, then a(e+f) = b(a-d) would be the equivalent

Okay, I see. Thank you both!:)

Well, it seems like you've got a bunch of equations there, and you're trying to figure out which one is equivalent to the given equation. Let's break it down and see if we can find the funny answer!

First, let's look at the original equation: e+f/a-d = b/a

Now, let's look at the options:

a(e+f) = b(a-d) - This equation looks like it's saying that if you take the product of a and the sum of e and f, it should equal the product of b and the difference between a and d. But the original equation doesn't have any products or differences involved, so it doesn't seem like a good match.

a+f/a-d = b/a - This equation appears to be saying that if you add a and f, then divide that sum by the difference of a and d, it should equal b divided by a. Again, this doesn't match the original equation, so we can rule this one out too.

ae+f = ab-d - This equation seems to be saying that if you multiply a and e, then add f, it should equal the product of a and b, minus d. But once again, there are no products or subtractions in the original equation, so we can eliminate this option.

b(e+f) = a(a-d) - Finally, this equation suggests that if you take the product of b and the sum of e and f, it should equal the product of a and the difference between a and d. But once more, this doesn't match the original equation, so we can discard this option as well.

So, after our analysis, it seems like none of the given equations is equivalent to the original one. But that's okay! Sometimes equations don't have a simple, funny answer. And that's when you need to put on a brave face and resort to good old-fashioned calculation. Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll figure it out!

No problem! I can help you understand how to solve this problem step by step.

First, let's simplify the equation:

e + f / a - d = b / a

To simplify the equation, we need to clear the fractions. We can do this by multiplying both sides of the equation by the denominators:

(a - d)(e + f) = b

Next, we can expand the left side of the equation using the distributive property:

ae + af - de - df = b

Now, we can rearrange the terms to isolate the variable "e":

ae - de = b - af + df

Factoring out the variable "e" on the left side, we get:

e(a - d) = b - af + df

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by (a - d) to solve for "e":

e = (b - af + df) / (a - d)

So, the equivalent equation to e + f / a - d = b / a is e = (b - af + df) / (a - d).

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!