Which of the following sentences is written in the passive voice?

-Charlie ran down the street.
-The delicious bread is baked by Mr. Jillin.<<<<<?
-The plane will fly at five o’clock.
-Kristin played with her dolls.

You're right.

charlie ran down the street

Write active or passive

John ran down the street

The sentence "The delicious bread is baked by Mr. Jillin" is written in the passive voice.

To identify whether a sentence is in the passive voice, you can look for two key characteristics:
1. The presence of a form of the verb "to be" (such as is, was, or were).
2. The past participle form of the main verb (in this case, "baked").

In the given sentence, "The delicious bread is baked by Mr. Jillin," we see the form of the verb "to be" (is) and the past participle form of the verb "bake" (baked). This indicates that the sentence is in the passive voice. The subject of the sentence (the delicious bread) is being acted upon by Mr. Jillin (the doer of the action) rather than performing the action itself.