I have 6 thousands,12 tens, 9 hundreds, 10 ones and 3 tenths. What number am I?

This is a question on my 3rd grade daughters math homework and I'm completely confused. I think it may be 7030.03???

6000 + 120 + 900 + 10 + 0.3 = 7,030.3

You were almost right. :-)

To determine the number, you will need to combine the values of each digit in the given place value. Let's break it down step by step:

- Thousands: You have 6 thousands. One thousand is equal to 1000, so you have 6,000.
- Tens: You have 12 tens. One ten is equal to 10, so you have 120.
- Hundreds: You have 9 hundreds. One hundred is equal to 100, so you have 900.
- Ones: You have 10 ones, which is just 10.
- Tenths: You have 3 tenths, which is written as 0.3.

Now, add up all these values:
6,000 + 120 + 900 + 10 + 0.3 = 7,030.3

So, the number you have is 7,030.3.

Great job on your attempt! You were very close, but you missed the value of the tenths place. Remember to include all the digits and decimal places when combining the values.