Which SI unit is used to measure length?





What is the kinetic energy of a 19 kg dog that is running at a speed of 7.4 m/s ( about 17 mi/h )

The SI unit used to measure length is meters. To determine this, you could recall or look up the basic units of measurement in the International System of Units (SI). The SI is a standard system of measurement used worldwide and provides a consistent set of units for different quantities.

Looking at the options provided, you can rule out options B (newtons), C (grams), and D (liters) because they are not units of length. Newtons are the SI unit of force, grams are the unit of mass, and liters are the unit of volume.

Option A (meters) is the correct answer because meters are the fundamental unit of length in the SI system. You can easily confirm this by referring to any reliable source or a textbook on units of measurement.

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