a bicycle wheel has a diameter of 42 cm.how many revolutions will it make to cover a distance of 13.2km

Revolution = one circumference

C = πd

cm = 1/100m

Km = 1000m

Can you put those together to solve the problem?

10,000 revolutions, I hope that helped :)

To calculate the number of revolutions the bicycle wheel will make, we need to find the circumference of the wheel first, and then divide the total distance by the circumference.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is given by:

C = π * d

Where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

Given that the diameter of the bicycle wheel is 42 cm, we can substitute this value into the formula to calculate the circumference:

C = π * 42

To calculate the total distance in cm, we need to convert the distance of 13.2 km to cm:

Total distance = 13.2 km * 100,000 cm/km

Now, we can calculate the number of revolutions:

Number of revolutions = Total distance / Circumference

Let's calculate the circumference and the number of revolutions:

Circumference = π * 42
Circumference = 3.14 * 42
Circumference ≈ 131.88 cm

Total distance = 13.2 km * 100,000 cm/km
Total distance = 1,320,000 cm

Number of revolutions = 1,320,000 cm / 131.88 cm
Number of revolutions ≈ 10,000

Therefore, the bicycle wheel will make approximately 10,000 revolutions to cover a distance of 13.2 km.

To determine the number of revolutions a bicycle wheel will make to cover a certain distance, you need to use the formula:

Number of revolutions = Distance / Circumference of the wheel

First, convert the distance from kilometers to centimeters, since the diameter and circumference of the wheel are given in centimeters:

Distance = 13.2 km = 13,200 meters = 1,320,000 centimeters

Next, calculate the circumference of the wheel using its diameter:

Circumference = π * diameter
Circumference = π * 42 cm
Circumference ≈ 3.14 * 42 cm
Circumference ≈ 131.88 cm

Finally, substitute the values into the formula to find the number of revolutions:

Number of revolutions = 1,320,000 cm / 131.88 cm
Number of revolutions ≈ 10,000 revolutions

Therefore, the bicycle wheel will make approximately 10,000 revolutions to cover a distance of 13.2 km.