A flower arrangement was marked down 12.5%. If the flowers originally cost $20, what is the amount of the discount?


Find the amount of tip on a $75 bill if a 15% tip is left.

What is the final price for a pair of $39.50 jeans after 5% sales tax has been added?

What is the final price of a $24 sweatshirt if there is a 20% discount applied and then a 7% sales tax added?

What does 'amount of the discount' mean? Is it the overall price or is it the amount that is being taken off?

@Questioning if you are going to comment on this please comment a answer not another question. It'll make people confused

To find the amount of the discount in the first question, we can calculate 12.5% of $20.

To do this, we multiply $20 by 12.5% (or 0.125):
$20 * 0.125 = $2.50

Therefore, the amount of the discount is $2.50.

For the second question, to calculate a 15% tip on a $75 bill, we multiply $75 by 15% (or 0.15):
$75 * 0.15 = $11.25

Therefore, the amount of the tip is $11.25.

In the third question, to find the final price of a pair of $39.50 jeans after a 5% sales tax has been added, we calculate 5% of $39.50 and then add it to $39.50.

To calculate 5% of $39.50, we multiply $39.50 by 5% (or 0.05):
$39.50 * 0.05 = $1.975

Adding the sales tax to the original price of the jeans:
$39.50 + $1.975 = $41.475

Rounding to two decimal places, the final price is $41.48.

For the fourth question, to find the final price of a $24 sweatshirt after a 20% discount is applied and then a 7% sales tax is added, we need to calculate both the discount and the sales tax.

To calculate the discount, we multiply $24 by 20% (or 0.20):
$24 * 0.20 = $4.80

Subtracting the discount from the original price of the sweatshirt:
$24 - $4.80 = $19.20

To calculate the sales tax, we multiply $19.20 by 7% (or 0.07):
$19.20 * 0.07 = $1.344

Adding the sales tax to the discounted price of the sweatshirt:
$19.20 + $1.344 = $20.544

Rounding to two decimal places, the final price is $20.54.

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